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کاربران مهمان: 81
کاربران حاضر: 81
Supplier selection using fuzzy TOPSIS multi criteria model for a small scale steel manufacturing unit

Selection of supplier is very critical problem in supply chain management (SCM). In the recent years, selection of suppliers in the supply chain has become very decisive to mould a trade-off between the qualitative and quantitative criteria. These criteria are considered for making final decisions on supplier selection advertently and comprehensively. However, these decisions usually involve in various criteria or objectives to compromise among all possible conflicting parameters. This study deals with the uncertain issue of the supplier selection using integrated TOPSIS model for multi criteria decision making(MCDM). The advantage is that it distinguishes between the cost (less the better) and benefit (more the better) criteria and select the solutions which are closest and farthest from the positive and negative ideal solution. Sensitivity analysis is carried out to investigate the effect of criteria weights on the supplier selection. A computative model is illustrated for a small scale steel manufacturing unit in India

Keywords: MCDM , Fuzzy TOPSIS , supplier selection , Steel manufacturing
Author(s): Sanjay Kumar, Saurabh Kumar, Asim Gopal Barman
Source: Procedia Computer Science 133 (2018) 905–912
Subject: تصمیم گیری
Category: مقالات ترجمه شده - دانلود ترجمه مقاله
Release Date: 2018
No of Pages: 8
Price(Tomans): 0
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