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پنجشنبه 23 اسفند 1403
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بازدید امروز: 17,491
بازدید دیروز: 40,481
بازدید کل: 161,103,676
کاربران عضو: 0
کاربران مهمان: 190
کاربران حاضر: 190
The Brand Value Impact On The Retail Market

Considering brand value in retailing and chain stores causes increase of end users’ interest to distributors that t he reinforcement and development leads to ascend accessibility and descend the cost of goods and services for end consumers. Present study has studied the factors of Aaker for brand Equity in retail market and in this regard the customers of one of Refah c hain store branches have been studied that regarding to limitless being of population and by using Cochran formula 375 questionnaires have been distributed based on random sampling method among the customers. In order to confirm the authenticity of validit y and reliability of questionnaire, we have used standard questions of management experts and also through Alphabetic Cronbach’s method. The obtained data from questionnaire have been analyzed by PSS software. The results of the research indicate that the factors of brand quality, brand association, brand awareness and tendency to accept brand development are effective on buyers’ decisions and the factor of brand loyalty is ineffective on buyers’ decision

Keywords: Brand , Aaker's Model for brand equity , Retailing , Chain Store , Store Brand
Author(s): Seyed reza Mousavizadeh , Amin Tabasi
Source: Journal of Mathematics and Technology, Vol 6 , No1
Subject: بازاریابی
Category: مقالات ترجمه شده - دانلود ترجمه مقاله
Release Date: 2015
No of Pages: 5
Price(Tomans): 0
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