To survive intoday’s competitive global market,companies must perform strategic changes inorder to increase productivity, eliminating wasted materials,time,and effort.This study will examine how to optimize the time and effort required tosupply raw material todifferent produc tion lines inamanufac- turing plant inJuarez,Mexico byminimizing the distance anoperator must travel todistribute material from a warehouse toaset ofdifferent production lines with corresponding demand.The core focus ofthis study is similar tothat ofthe Vehicle Routin gProblem inthat itistreated asacombinatorial optimization problem. The artificialbee colony algorithm isapplied inorder tofindthe optimal distribution ofmaterial with the aim ofestablishing astandard time for this duty byexamining how this isapplied inalocal man- ufacturing plant. Results show that using this approach may beconvenient toset standard times inthe selected comp any.