A theory particularly designed to explain re-buying decision formation is lacking. This research developed and tested a theory of repurchase decision-making (TRD) that more comprehensively explains individuals’ post-purchase decision-making processes. Two studies were conducted in a full-service restaurant setting for the development of this theory. Specifically, important factors generating the repurchasing intention were identified through an exploratory qualitative approach in Study 1. In this qualitative approach, a new set of belief items and salient referents in a re-buying decision-making process were also identified. The proposed model merging the model of goal-directed behavior (MGB) with identified factors and belief constructs from Study 1 were tested in the second study. Our results demonstrated that incremental amounts of total variance in the re-buying decision were explained by the TRD. Newly integrated constructs in combination with the original variables in the MGB were found to play a critical role in the re-buying decision-making process. The implications of this study are presented and discussed