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جمعه 17 اسفند 1403
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بازدید امروز: 6,048
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کاربران عضو: 0
کاربران مهمان: 137
کاربران حاضر: 137
The relationship of chronic regulatory focus to work–family conflict and job satisfaction

The results of a field study examining the moderating role of chronic self-regulatory focus on the relationships between work–family conflict (WFC) and job satisfaction are reported here. Data from 284 hotel employees were analyzed using hierarchical regression with follow-up simple slope analyses. Results show that self-regulatory processes moderate the relationships between WFC and job satisfaction. When work interfered with family obligations, individuals reporting higher levels of chronic promotion focus were less satisfied with their jobs. On the contrary, when their family roles interfered with work tasks employees with higher levels of chronic prevention focus were less satisfied with their jobs

Keywords: Chronic regulatory focus Work–family conflict Job satisfaction
Author(s): .
Source: International Journal of Hospitality Management 31 (2012) 458– 467
Subject: منابع انسانی
Category: مقاله مجله
Release Date: 2012
No of Pages: 10
Price(Tomans): 0
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