tThis study integrates consumption emotions into the American Customer Satisfaction Inde (ACSI) modelto propose a hotel customer satisfaction index (H-CSI) model that can be applied t estimate customersatisfaction toward international tourist hotels. The H-CSI scale items were designed based on referenceto the relevant literature and the suggestions of a focus group. Four-hundred and twelve customers ofinternational tourist hotels were surveyed. The partial least squares method was employed to validatethe measurement instruments in the H-CSI model and estimate item weights for the customer satisfac-tion scales. The H-CSI model is a comprehensive model for the measurement of customer satisfactionthat includes most possible antecedents and outcomes. The research results show that the H-CSI modeldisplayed strong explanatory power based on its reliability and validity. Accordingly, if hotel managersapply the H-SCI model instead of a general customer satisfaction survey, they can obtain a robust estima-tion of customer satisfaction, as well as extra information of post-purchase customer behavior to bettermanage customer satisfaction and achieve a competitive advantage